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Create Command

One of the most important features we wanted in our template, was that you can use the same code for handling slash commands and message based commands.

This can be done by saving the static class in the command cache, creating a constructor and passing the desired data. Moreover the BaseCommand is extended with the Response Command class, so you can take advantage of functions such as .reply()

Copy the BaseCommand & CommandResponses code from the template

Creating a Ping Command:​

const BaseCommand = require("../../../Structures/BaseCommand.js");
const Embed = require("../../../Structures/Embed.js");

class pingCommand extends BaseCommand {
static name = "ping";
static description = "See if the bot latency is okay";
static usage = "";
static category = "General";
static slash = { name: "ping", category: "info" };

constructor(data) {

async execute() {
const msg = await this.reply({content: `Pinging...`});
// Assign properties to the response
const ping = msg.timestamp - this.message.timestamp;

const embed = new Embed()
.setTitle(`The Bots ping is ${ping} ms`)

// Edit Message with the Embed
return await msg.edit({embeds: [embed] });

module.exports = pingCommand;
  • The BaseCommand is extended with the CommandResponses class.
  • The ping command class is extended with the BaseCommand class.
  • Some static properties are assigned to the ping command class, in order to access it in the cache, such as name, description, usage, category and slash...
  • The execute() function will be called, when the command has been run by the user.
  • The constructor allows to access data, such as this.message, this.args, this.client...

You can customize the CommandManager file, in order to pass arguments in the execute() function.